Friday, October 18, 2019

Sentencing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sentencing - Essay Example They lower down the judge shopping culture, by getting rid of illogical and disparate sentencing practices. The sentence for a crime should be in the hands of legislature so that they may determine the crime through sentencing guidelines making the common people more confident that the falcons (many of whom are involved in the illegal business of narcotics) will meet the harsher punishment as they deserve. The uncertain condition that the judges may narrate severe sentence or be lenient becomes out of question by the establishment of sentencing guidelines. At the same time, this approach has some shortcomings. The sentencing guidelines lead to the loss of good judgment to formulate a criminal sentence that is suitable to the individual because the guidelines inflict mathematical formulae that do not match with the human ideas. The judges instead of working mathematically go through the circumstances of the case and the individuals and then decide according to the human conditions. So , I think the judges should have more control over the sentences. The guidelines reflect political concerns while the judges are away from this.

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